The Ultimate Checklist of Items to Pack in Your Range Bag

Hey there, range-goers and gun enthusiasts! If you've ever found yourself at the range missing something critical—like, say, ear protection or a first-aid kit—you know how it can throw a wrench into an otherwise fantastic day of shooting. I've been there, and that's exactly why I've created this ultimate checklist for your range bag. Trust me, this guide will help you ensure you've got everything you need for a safe, productive, and enjoyable time at the range. So let's get started!

Guard Your Bod: Essential Safety Gear

Eye Protection

I can't stress this enough: your eyes are irreplaceable. You'd be amazed at the kind of debris that can fly around at a shooting range. I'm talking about spent shell casings, dirt, and yeah, even fragments. You'll want safety glasses that meet ANSI Z87.1 standards. This means they’ve been tested to provide enough protection against impact. No regular sunglasses won't cut it, my friends.

Ear Protection

Ever shot a gun without ear protection? If so, your ears are probably still ringing! Earmuffs or earplugs are not just options; they are necessities. They come with a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), which basically tells you how effective they are. I personally prefer over-ear muffs because they're more comfortable, but foam earplugs are more compact and easier to pack.

IFAK Pouch

Look, I get it, no one goes to the shooting range expecting to get hurt, but stuff happens. A simple IFAK pouch (Individual First-Aid Kit) with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and a tourniquet can be a real life-saver—sometimes literally. It doesn't have to be a massive kit; just something that can handle minor injuries until proper medical help is available.

Hand Sanitizer

Yes, we're still talking about hand sanitizer in 2023. Especially at an outdoor range where you might not have immediate access to soap and water, hand sanitizer is a godsend. It's not just about cleanliness; it’s also about safety, particularly when handling ammunition and shared equipment.

Firearm Fundamentals: What Your Gun Needs


Remember that time you ran out of ammo and had to cut your day short? No? Well, let's keep it that way. Always bring more ammunition than you think you'll need. Different firearms require different types of ammo, so make sure you're packing the right stuff. And hey, extra ammo never hurt anybody. Well, you know what I mean.

Extra Magazines or Speed Loaders

You've got the gun. You've got the ammo. Now, how quickly can you load them? Extra magazines for semi-auto firearms or speed loaders for revolvers can save you a ton of time. More time shooting, less time reloading—that’s the mantra.

Gun Cleaning Kit

You love your gun, so show it some love back. A basic cleaning kit with some patches, a bottle of solvent, and a bore brush should be in every shooter's range bag. A well-maintained firearm is not just a matter of pride; it’s a matter of safety and accuracy.


This is your all-in-one problem solver. Need to adjust a sight? Tighten a loose rail? A quality multi-tool can handle all of this and more. And let's face it; there's something deeply satisfying about fixing minor issues yourself.

Elevate Your Aim: Advanced Shooting Accessories


What’s a day at the range without targets? And I'm not talking about using random objects you found lying around. Paper targets are good for zeroing and accuracy tests, while steel targets provide that satisfying 'ping' when you hit them. Reactive targets that explode, spin, or fall over can add an extra layer of fun

Tape or Stapler

You've got your targets, now you need to hang them up. Staplers work great but can be bulky, while tape is easier to carry but might not hold up in the wind or rain. I usually bring both; better safe than sorry.

Range Finder

If you're practicing long-distance shooting, a range finder isn't a luxury; it’s a necessity. It helps you accurately measure distance, allowing for more precise shooting. No more guessing or pacing out yards.

Spotting Scope or Binoculars

Hitting a target is one thing; knowing where you hit it is another. When you’re doing long-range shooting, spotting scopes or binoculars become invaluable. They help you see where your shots are landing so you can adjust your aim accordingly.

Your Personal Comfort Zone

When it comes to personal comfort during a day at the shooting range, there are several essentials to keep in mind. First off, the weather can be a fickle friend, so always come prepared with weather-appropriate clothing; layering is often a good strategy so you can easily adjust to changing conditions. To keep your energy levels high and prevent any "hangry" outbursts, don't forget to pack hydration essentials like water and energy-rich snacks such as nuts or granola bars. Since you might be on your feet for extended periods, consider bringing a portable chair or mat for those times when you need to take a load off—trust me, your legs will thank you. Lastly, if you're shooting outdoors, extended sun exposure can wreak havoc on your skin, so come equipped with a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from turning into a crispy critter by day's end.

The Admin Stuff: IDs and Documents

When it comes to administrative necessities for a smooth and lawful day at the shooting range, it's crucial to have all your IDs and documents in order. First and foremost, make sure you're carrying a valid form of identification along with any membership cards or guest passes the specific range might require—no ID, no shooting, it's as straightforward as that. In addition to personal identification, it's vital to have all necessary firearm licenses or permits with you. Different jurisdictions have varying rules regarding firearms, so carrying these documents will save you from potential legal issues. Lastly, don't overlook the importance of knowing the range rules and regulations. A quick read-through before you head out can prevent unwanted surprises and help you adhere to the range's specific guidelines, whether they pertain to rapid firing, holster work, or permissible types of ammunition. In summary, having the right IDs and understanding the rules is non-negotiable for a hassle-free, by-the-book day at the range.

So there you have it—the ultimate checklist for your range bag! If you’re still looking for one, why not check our 14er Tactical Range Bag! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, I hope you found this guide helpful. Remember, this checklist is meant to be a starting point; feel free to adapt it to meet your personal needs and the specific requirements of your range.


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