A morale patch is an insignia that features cheeky imagery and expressions. It builds the comradery of a group that share a common goal, experience, or haircut (hah hah) and can be placed on uniforms, gear, or moral patch display boards. You can find out more about what a morale patch is here.
It is theorized that the blood chit, first issued by George Washington in 1793, is the precursor to morale patches. A blood chit is a notice carried by military personnel to identify them as such and to solicit any and all assistance from civilians in case of difficulty. During World War II, for example, U.S. flight units carried blood chits in case of disaster. Some units, in fact, had blood chits sewn inside of their jackets.
The history of the morale patch is closely tied to military and law enforcement. During the Civil War, soldiers wore patches, created by friends and family members on the home front, to identify themselves. The embroidery was done by hand, meaning that each patch was made individually. This period in history predated the invention of the sewing or embroidery machines; thus, it was impossible to mass produce military morale patches. Military morale patches were not prevalent on U.S. uniforms until after the first world war. By that time, the rapid development of technology during the Industrial Revolution made standardized production of morale patches possible. The cheap and efficient production meant that patches could be used on a grander scale. During World War I, the patch was approved to be worn by the 81st Division Wildcats to identify the division and build morale. Soon after, morale patches spread to the other divisions after an order by General Pershing. Two decades later, morale patches were a normalized part of military uniforms.


After the first world war, there was such a wide variety of morale patches that they became an item to trade and collect. During the Vietnam War, cheeky and sarcastic humor became a staple of military morale patches. The hilarity bonded the soldiers in the war together in comradery. These tongue-in-cheek morale patches, although inappropriate to be displayed professionally, are a fun way to personalize a military uniform; Velcro patches are quick and easy to switch off the patches when necessary. Although Velcro patches are prevalent, other patches can be sewn or ironed on for greater permanency. Trading and collecting moral patches is still a popular pastime today. The phenomenon of morale patches has extended beyond the military to the police force, firefighters, emergency healthcare workers, and, most importantly, to the girl and boy scouts of America! It is not uncommon, either, to see morale patches hung up in the living room or on backpacks in the name of fashion. There are many common ways to display and store morale patches.
The 14er Morale Patch Panel stores patches with the most options possible. It is easy to mount to your wall, car, locker, and more. It is just as simple to store your patches or travel with them because the morale patch display board can be rolled up. The morale patch display board is an easy start to building your collection of morale patches.
Whether you wish to embellish your backpack , jacket, or other gear, 14er has a variety of morale patches that will perfectly match the rest of your outfit – not to mention they’re hilarious. 14er morale patches are made with hook and loop Velcro backing, crafted to maintain their shape and color. Depending on how many Velcro patches you need, there is either the 14-pack or 20-pack of morale patches . Let’s be real, you can never have too many.